Worship is an important part of what we do at our church. We welcome all singers, instrumentalists, and tech people to be a part of our amazing team.

Small Groups are a vital part of Cornerstone Church-where people gather together to strengthen relationships. They are a place to laugh, encourage comfort, challenge, grow and love together. Our desire is to have every adult who attends Cornerstone be in a small group.

The mission of Cornerstone’s Impact Ministry is to encourage 6th-12th grade students to develop deep, healthy relationships with Jesus Christ; serve our church, community, and world; and share the Gospel message boldly.

Cornerstone is committed to our kids and their families. We want to enhance the family by teaching God’s Word. The best time to learn Bible truth is at a young age.

The Mission of Cornerstone Men’s Ministry in to support men of all ages as we provide fellowship and Bible study through a variety of activities. Our goal is to create opportunities for men to grow their faith and learn to serve God while enjoying fellowship with Christian man.

The mission of Cornerstone Women’s ministry in to support women in their relationship with God so that through fellowship, service, teaching, and the study of His word, we might become all the God has intended us to be.
The goal of the prayer ministry is to create a dynamic ministry connecting us with God and transforming lives. We seek to experience the transforming power of God; resulting in revival, healing and changed lives! Prayer is an act of faith that is fundamental for every follower of Jesus.
There’s no better way to make a great ‘first impression’ than with the love of Jesus Christ. The Worship ministry team are on the front lines of creating an environment that shows everyone that they are welcome at Cornerstone.
We want visitors to feel a part of our Cornerstone family by baking bread or other baked goods and delivering it to all visitors who have provided contact information during church. It is our way of thanking them for visiting Cornerstone. We want to let visitors know how appreciated they are and make people aware of all that Cornerstone has to offer. We also take the opportunity to encourage them to come back to Cornerstone if they don’t already have a church home.
The mission of Wheels of Service Ministry is to help people that need rides to Doctor appointments, shopping, errands or anything they need help getting to. We desire for anyone in our congregation to be comfortable in calling to use this service.
PURPOSE: To express God’s love in a tangible way to people in need by creating and giving beautiful and USEFUL handcrafted items.
Psalm 90:17, Let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us, and establish the work of our hands for us; Yes, establish the work of our hands.
OUTREACH AREAS have included our Cornerstone family, area nursing homes, ABRA clients, Illinois Baptist Children’s Home, cards to persecuted Christians, Samaritan’s Purse Operation Shoebox, as well as our church family.
VARIETY OF PROJECTS including cards and other paper crafting projects; sewing projects such as Fidget Quilts for Alzheimer patients, quilts, knitting projects; floral arrangements, etc.
MEETINGS occur usually two days a month on the third Thursday and Saturday mornings
The Love IN Action Team is committed to serving our church and community through outreach and inreach events. We meet the first Sunday of every month!